Japanese Matchmaking - Japanese Matchmaking Services, Japanese Matchmaking
Japanese Matchmaking
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Japanese Matchmaking Articles:
Japanese Matchmaking: Japan may assist in Singapore's efforts to encourage marriage Japan may assist in Singapore's efforts to encourage marriage after Singaporean officials recently visited Japan seeking help from the government and the private sector.According to Kyodo News on Friday, the two sides have proposed setting up a joint venture between Japanese and Singaporean firms or a Japanese firm hoping to start up in Singapore.The two Asian countries have a common problem worrying their governments -- dwindling birthrates -- prompting the Singaporean...
Japanese Matchmaking: Multiple Personalities,
Photographer Tomoko Sawada has chosen to confront her identity crisis by taking pictures--lots of pictures--of herself. Even her mother might not recognize her. Tomoko Sawada is the Robert De Niro of Japanese photography. Just as the actor gained weight to prepare for his role in "Raging Bull," Sawada put on five kilograms before starting her 2001 self-portrait series based on omiai photos, formal shots used in traditional Japanese matchmaking. Then each week she visited a photo studio dressed as a different woman, sporting a new outfit, hairdo--and body. Adopting a low-calorie diet, Sawada gradually dropped the weight over the...
Japanese Matchmaking: VCU TEAM SCORES BIG IN FIRST AT-BAT IN THE WORLD SERIES OF ADVERTISING Virginia Commonwealth University's first effort in the College World Series of Advertising was pretty impressive.The five-student team came in second in the finals, which were held in Houston earlier this month. The winners were students from the University of Houston, and the competition involved teams from 134 colleges and universities from the United States and Australia.The VCU students worked most of the school year on a presentation for Kodak, which was the...
Japanese Matchmaking: Japan may assist in Singapore's efforts to encourage marriage Japan may assist in Singapore's efforts to encourage marriage after Singaporean officials recently visited Japan seeking help from the government and the private sector, sources said Friday. Officials from Singapore's Ministry of Community Development and Sports met with representatives of the Japanese matchmaking services industry in late March and proposed setting up a joint venture between Japanese and Singaporean firms or a Japanese firm hoping to start up in...
Japanese Matchmaking Articles:
Japanese Matchmaking: the date where your friends can come too WE'VE had blind dating, speed dating and text dating. Now get ready for group dating, the Japanese phenomenon on its way to London. With over ...
Japanese Matchmaking: Extreme Romance 2001 - Brief Article Yes, once again, it's Valentine month and time for Working Life's status check on romance in the office, or lack thereof Are people afraid to flirt, ...
Japanese Matchmaking: 'Independence' that counts: MBOs are becoming a viable tool for Japanese firms to branch out from their foreign parents. Intuit 's CEO shares his experience KOZO HIRAMATSU, PRESIDENT AND chief executive officer of Intuit (Japan), drives a BMW Z3 and rides a Harley Davidson, but he swears he couldn't have ...
Japanese Matchmaking: Using intelligence to bridge the Arabian gulf. (Info-Prod, Israeli market research firm) 00-00-0000 A LACK Of familiarity with Arab markets has prevented many European companies from selling to the Middle East. Oddly enough, firms like ...
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